
We usually experience fear as a restrictive, unpleasant state – panic, nervousness, insecurity, … we turn it into an enemy. But it is exactly the opposite! It is an absolutely fundamental function of our being that keeps us alive. Fear is what makes us pay attention in traffic, what makes us take precautions, what warns us of dangers.

We are an anti-fear society, nobody wants it. But this approach doesn’t work, because as the health statistics and sales figures of the pharmaceutical industry show, the number of various anxiety problems is exploding. But fear could also be experienced in a completely different way, as a powerful force that allows us to be alert, clear and responsive in the here and now. This is precisely why sports such as climbing are so popular. Because when you are hanging on the wall and the next step determines your survival, most people ultimately reach a state in which they can feel themselves intensely and their head is calm and clear.

The here and now wins over inner dialogs and moods. Why not experience this state in normal life too? How can we do this without putting ourselves in danger and exhausting ourselves? By getting to know and letting go of our sometimes unconscious reactions to fear. And by learning to consciously engage with the basic energy of fear in the body. So that it can once again become what it is meant to be – a great force that is a completely natural part of us. It can make us clear, alert and alive. Because life is too short to be afraid of fear!